Once in a while even I am taken aback by the beautiful blooms that pass through our studio on their way to a bride’s dream day. This past June, Stefanie and Serge were married in Nantucket and had their reception at the Galley. Stefanie loved peonies (like many brides do) so we placed the order, I knew we wouldn’t have an issue, and boy was I giddy when I got my hands on her peonies. They were gigantic. Not just super sized, but OMG super-sized!! Her bouquet in the photo above is amazing, and believe it or not, only three peonies made up that bouquet!! Yep, three. I couldn’t believe it either. When they fully opened, they were literally the size of my head. Mother Nature graces us with some unbelievable beauty, and we don’t take it for granted around here. You blink, and they are gone (our flower rep called me the following Monday to tell me ‘Don’t get your hopes up Dawn, those peonies are gone already. Back to the regular size!’). It was great while it lasted! Thanks to Donis Perkins for the photo.